Drilling professions

Our services

EFF Training propose à ses clients des prestations en lien avec ses univers de compétence. Le centre met à disposition de ses clients son expérience du forage, ses conseils, ses infrastructures et ses équipes pour répondre à leurs diverses problématiques.

From support programmes for new entrants by specialised and experienced instructors, to the provision of a training well or laboratory dedicated to the study of fluids and mud, not forgetting the hire of training rooms or offices, EFF Training supports companies in the drilling or safety sectors and offers them an ideal professional welcome at the foot of the Pyrenees.

Prestations de coaching par Marc, chef de chantier et formateur pour EFF Training

Prestations de coaching

We propose mentoring programmes for new entrants by our experienced instructors and specialists, who are professionals in the oil industry and have worked on platforms for years.

Prestations de mise à disposition du rig et des plateaux techniques d'EFF Training à Lescar

Provision of equipment

We make our well school and our laboratory dedicated to the study of drilling fluids available to companies wishing to carry out drilling tests.

Prestations de location de salles dans les locaux de EFF Training

Provision of office space

We have many training rooms equipped for theoretical training. We rent out our indoor and outdoor workspaces to partners in the drilling industry.


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